How to Contribute ?

  1. Login with your Personal Github Account.
  2. Click on the following REPO LINK and FORK it.
  3. Make changes to the forked repository by following the steps given on the right of the page and Create Pull Request.

Steps to contribute in Contributions page

  1. Go to the following REPO LINK
  2. Click on the /Navbar/Contributions folder
  3. Click on the contributions.html file
  4. In the file contributions.html there is a div named card
  5. Copy the div named card and paste it again below the other divs
  6. Edit the fields inside the HTML elements named card-header and card-body
  7. Commit your changes
Project Name: CNN
Project Link
[Contributed by: Vaishak K Nair]
Project Name: YOLO
Project Link
[Contributed by: Vaishak K Nair]
Project Name: PCA
Project Link
[Contributed by: Athira S Menon]
Project Name: ML Workshop [KV]
Project Link
[Contributed by: Athira S Menon]
Project Name: Decision Tree and Random Forest
Project Link
[Contributed by: Athira S Menon]
Project Name: SVM and Regression
Project Link
[Contributed by: Vinitha M Rajan]
Project Name: Workshop on Neural Network
Project Link
[Contributed by: Biswa Bhushan Satapathy]